Flywheel 02240220RY for engine Deutz BF6M1013

€256.70 Gross
€208.70 Net
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Unavailable in stock

Condition: Second hand
Type: Genuine
Ref. No.: 02240220RY
Nr. mag.: 37967

Flywheel is Second hand, Genuine part part with reference p/n: 04204260/04905430/0224193/02240220RY, for diesel engine Deutz BF6M1013. In the category for this product you can find various rims and flywheels for a given engine model. The Deutz BF6M1013 engine has a block design with wet bushings. Today, the guiding principle of the Deutz concern is to provide the world's most efficient propulsion systems.
Atlas 1804M, Bitelli SF101R, Bomag BW219DH-3, Hamm 2720D, Ingresoll rand TITAN225, Ingresoll rand TITAN325EPM, Ingresoll rand TITAN423VB78, Marini MF1007, O&k L35B, O&k RH5:5LC, O&k RH8.5LC, Terex-atlas 1804LC, Voegele S2100-575TV, Wirtgen W1200FII
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.
BF6M 1013 ECP, BF6M 1013C, BF6M1013, BF6M1013C, BF6M1013CF, BF6M1013CP, BF6M1013E, BF6M1013EC, BF6M1013ECF, BF6M1013ECP, BF6M1013FC, BF6M1013T
*This models are just for reference please compare your part by p/n and photos.

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